Kids Arts & Crafts Classes

by arts + Craft oc

Mondays from 12:00pm - 6:00pm Thursdays from 10:00am - 5:00pm
Contact for pricing, schedule, and information

We offer art classes for children 6yr+. Please visit our website for class schedule and other information.

Process art is driven and directed by the child focusing on the exploration of materials. The final product is always unique and the child's personality shines through the finished project. Our classes allow children to think creatively, independently, and imaginatively. We provide a positive and fun environment where kids can freely experiment without an end goal or a sample project to copy. Most importantly children will gain confidence to express their ideas, feeling motivated to ask questions and learn from each other. Each project is thoughtfully planned and a wide range of materials are provided in order to give options to our students. We make sure everyone has fun. There are no mistakes in process art, and each outcome is celebrated!

If you have any questions email us!

Please register prior to class to reserve a spot and complete the online waiver before your first class.